Permit setting the quota on a non-existent folder that has children - patch for Cyrus -- deprecated


Cyrus imap doesn't allow to set the quota on a non-existent folder, regardless if the folder has or not children. According to the RFC it should be possible to set the quota even to a non existent folder, but setting the quota to a non-existent folder without children is non-practical. On the other hand, setting the quota on a non-existent folder that has subfolders is practical since you can have logical groups of subfolders which have a total quota but not be forced to assign quota to each one. This patch changes the default behaviour of cyrus-imap and allows to set the quota to a non-existent folder that has subfolders. If the folder doesn't have subfolders then cyrusimap returns an error.


Mar, 23 2004: This patch is no longer needed, since it was merged to the mail cyrus CVS tree and wiil be included in future releases (>2.2.3)
Mar, 11 2004: Initial release for the patch. Applied to the CVS code downloaded at 7/11/2004.


NO need to download this patch if you are using cyrus-imapd from a recent cvs, or >2.2.3 release
Before you download and install this patch download also and apply the findall patch.

Installation instructions



Things to be done are :

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