avelsieve-1.9.9.tar.gz (sig) (Released 29-May-2009)
This release is sponsored by Alexey Melnikov and by ellak.gr.
Previous Release:
avelsieve-1.9.8.tar.gz (sig) (Released 5-May-2009)
For the development releases 1.9.8 and 1.9.9, at the moment you will also need the javascript_libs squirrelmail "library" plugin. Just grab the following file, untar it under your squirrelmail/plugins/ directory and enable the plugin in Squirrelmail:
Avelsieve packages can also be found in the Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu Linux distributions:
You can browse all releases at http://email.uoa.gr/download/squirrelmail/avelsieve/
The public key that signs the releases is available at http://users.uoa.gr/~avel/gpgkey.asc .
You can grab the trunk of avelsieve via SVN, as follows:
svn co https://email.uoa.gr/repos/squirrelmail/avelsieve/main_plugin/trunk avelsieve
We have two web front-ends available: